Query Tables with Geometry Columns
Topic: #postgis
WITH columns AS (
ns.nspname AS table_schema,
class.relname AS table_name,
attr.attname AS column_name,
trim(leading '_' from tp.typname) AS type_name
FROM pg_attribute attr
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS class ON class.oid = attr.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS ns ON ns.oid = class.relnamespace
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type AS tp ON tp.oid = attr.atttypid
WHERE NOT attr.attisdropped AND attr.attnum > 0)
f_table_schema AS schema_name,
f_table_name AS table_name,
f_geometry_column AS geometry_column,
jsonb_object_agg(columns.column_name, columns.type_name) FILTER (WHERE columns.column_name IS NOT NULL),
) as properties
FROM geometry_columns
LEFT JOIN columns ON
geometry_columns.f_table_schema = columns.table_schema AND
geometry_columns.f_table_name = columns.table_name AND
geometry_columns.f_geometry_column != columns.column_name
GROUP BY f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, srid, type;
This query will return all tables and views in a PostgreSQL & PostGIS database that contain a geometry column.
The query returns the following columns:
: the schema that the table belongs to.table_name
: the name of the table or view.geometry_column
: the name of the geometry column.srid
: the SRID (spatial reference ID, EPSG code) that the geometry is projected in.type
: the spatial type of the geometry column. For instancePOINT
, etc.properties
: a JSONB column with all the columns within the table. This is an object where thekey
is the name of the column and thevalue
is the data type.
Example output:
| schema_name | table_name | geometry_column | srid | type | properties |
| public | hunt_unit_labels | geom | 4326 | POINT | {"id": "int4", "display_name": "text"} |
| public | hunt_units | geom | 4326 | MULTIPOLYGON | {"id": "int4", "area": "numeric", "is_full": "bool", "is_open": "bool", "display_name": "text"} |
| public | public_landownership | geom | 4326 | MULTIPOLYGON | {"id": "int4", "surface_mgmt_agency": "text"} |
| public | wilderness | geom | 4326 | MULTIPOLYGON | {"id": "int4", "type": "text", "mgmt_agency": "text", "display_name": "text"} |
| public | wmas | geom | 4326 | MULTIPOLYGON | {"id": "int4", "display_name": "text"} |
I like to create a view (generally called spatial_table_sources
) that way I can easily get this information.
I'll use this query to dynamically generate vector tiles when I build APIs.
This query was taken, nearly verbatim, from Martin, a PostGIS vector tiles server.